Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Questions and Answers: O'Reilly's got both
Friday, October 23, 2009
Burk on Books - Groovy Recipes by Scott Davis
I would like to say that I actually held off posting this note so that I could create a second wave of interest after the initial one faded, but that would be misleading so instead I'll just hope it works out that way.
P.S. Scott, if you're reading this, the fact that I'm finally posting this mere hours before you're speaking at the No Fluff Just Stuff conference I'm attending later today is a complete coincidence. Really.
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Burk on Books - Switching to the Mac, Designing Web Interfaces, and Essential JavaFX
Essential JavaFX is a great introduction to JavaFX. You get a good feel for working with JavaFX without having to devote too many hours to it. The only thing I didn't like is that the images are gray-scale instead of color. I know it ups the printing cost, but when you're dealing with graphical user interfaces I think having color is important.
Switching to the Mac is a great book for those of us who have spent many years on Windows and finally move to a Macintosh. I bought mine almost a year ago and found that my previous training didn't help me on my Mac so I did what I often do. I went looking for a book to help me. After reading reviews of several books and leafing through a few at Borders, I decided on Switching to the Mac, and I'm glad I did. It's not the kind of book I read cover to cover, but it's stuffed with useful information. If you moving like I did, I think you'll find if useful to keep the book near your Mac for a while.
Designing Web Interfaces is an excellent book for anyone designing web applications. It's well written with plenty of color diagrams and screen shots (Yes!) so you can see how various interactions play out. I am a little disappointed though because there's no sample code even though the authors say they targeted the book for designers and developers. Even so, I think this is a great book for designers and a good one for developers who enjoy a challenge.
That's it for today. I've got three more reviews to write up, one book to read and review, and I think I'll be caught up.
BTW, I'll be at the the No Fluff Just Stuff software symposium here in Atlanta this weekend so if you're there and want to talk about the books, or any aspect of software development, feel free to introduce yourself.
One more thing before I sign off, this blog isn't intended to be a one way signal. If you want to ask a question or share a thought (preferably one that is relevant to the posting), please leave a comment.
Friday, April 24, 2009
Burk on Books - Pragmatic Thinking and Learning

Last year, Andy Hunt (co-author of the Pragmatic Programmer) authored a new book titled “Pragmatic Thinking and Learning: Refactor Your Wetware”, and I’d like to tell you a bit about it.
It’s a great book. You should stop reading this blog posting and go buy a copy of the book, then sit down and read it. Now.
OK. That was the short version, which is probably all that some of you needed to hear. The rest of this is for people who are looking for some details.
The book is published by the Pragmatic Bookshelf, it was released on October 28th, the ISBN is 1934356050, it retails for $34.95 and is worth every penny. Still not enough? OK, I’ve got a detailed review posted on DZone in the IT Book Zone (at and you can win yourself a free copy if you read the review, post a comment, and get chosen by the Fickle Finger of Fate.
If you’re still reading this, I’m guessing that you’re looking for some insight that’s not in my other review. OK, here goes: The secret to getting the most out of the book is that you can’t just read it. Andy’s put exercises in the book and you need to do them, and do them the way it’s described, to get the most out of it. This isn’t much of a secret because Andy tells you the same thing early on in the book, and in a podcast (“Andy Hunt on Pragmatic Wetware") which is available on the website or from ITunes. The reason I bring this point up is that it is very easy to know this and somehow still not do it.
The other secret is that reading the book (and doing the exercises) is still not enough. Just like Neal Ford’s book “The Productive Programmer”, you need to actually practice the things you read about. It’s not enough to think, “Cool! I love that idea!” Until you take action, and begin practicing what you’ve read about, you won’t really benefit from knowing it.
As someone more profound than I once said, “Those who do not read are no better off than those who cannot” or, more succinctly, “To know and not do is not to know.”
Thus endeth the day's lesson.
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Burk on Books - Practical API Design

Practical API Design: Confessions of a Java Framework Architect
Author: Jaroslav Tulach
Published by: Apress on July, 2008
ISBN: 1430209739
If you write code then you are designing APIs and this book is for you.
Jaroslav Tulach, is the founder and initial architect of NetBeans and in this book he shares with us the lessons he learned during ten years of designing APIs that are used by developers around the world.
If others use your APIs, then the lessons found here are worth far more than the price of the book and the time it takes to read and digest it. Do yourself, and your users, a favor and start studying it today. And if others don’t use your APIs, then it might be that you need this book even more.
“Practical API Design” is divided into three parts: In part one, Jaroslav describes the theories underlying his approach to API design and his reasons for writing “another design book.” This section is reasonably brief and introduces the main concepts underpinning the rest of the book. In part two Jaroslav draws on his decade of experience and expounds on what works and what to avoid when designing frameworks and APIs for public consumption. Part three is where the rubber meets the road and Jaroslav shows how the theories and ideas from part one can be applied in daily life to achieve the practical application of the rules as described in part two.
The information in this book is relevant to every developer, though I will admit that some probably need it more than others. If you write code, you’re creating APIs - even if you’re the only one using them. If you’re creating APIs then knowing how to create and evolve those APIs benefits you and anyone who depends on those APIs to get things done.
For me, the bottom line on this book is that anyone who writes code winds up creating APIs, so it makes sense to learn how to create, evolve, and maintain them without breaking any code that already uses them.
There are some nice resources out there for anyone interested in learning more about this book. Here are just a few:
Jaroslav has created a website at “” with the intent of building a community around the book and the ideas he’s expressed in it.
Download chapter 1 from Apress at “”.
Check out InfoQ's interview with Jaroslav Tulach at “”. In it there's a link to download chapter 3.
If you’re interested in learning more about the book, I have a more detailed review on DZone (and I’m told they may be giving away a copy) at
Happy reading!
Burk Hufnagel
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
ITARC 20009 was a great success!
Monday, March 16, 2009
Mini Java puzzler - Zapped by static
I was modifying some legacy code (defined as code with no automated tests) and found something unexpected when I tried to use it. The original code was rather complicated (possibly because there were no tests), but this simplified version has the same odd behavior:
public class Test {
static {
static String name = "Sue";
static Test instance = new Test();
public static String getName() {
return name;
private static void initName() {
name = "Bond, James Bond";
public static void main(String[] args) {
System.out.println("My name is " +
Test.getName() + ".");
So we have a class with one static variable, three static methods and one static initializer. Other than the static initializer, it looks like a pretty simple class that's easy to understand doesn’t it?
In case you’re not familiar with static initializers, let me paraphrase a bit of Sun’s Java Tutorial: "A static initialization block is a normal block of code enclosed in braces, { }, and preceded by the static keyword. They can appear anywhere in the class body, and the Java runtime guarantees they are called in the order in which they appear in the source code."
That sounds kind of cool, but what’s the point? Why would you use one? Well, a static initializer executes when the class is loaded into memory and it is normally used to do some kind of one-time processing for the class. In this case, the initializer calls the initName() method when the Test class gets loaded into memory and before it’s main method executes.
So, getting back to the puzzle, the question is this: What does the above code do when you run the class?
Here are the possible answers:
A) It prints “My name is Sue.”
B) It prints “My name is Bond, James Bond.”
C) Nothing, because it doesn’t compile.
D) None of the above.
I recommend taking some time to figure out your own answer before reading any further. You’ll get more out of this is you do. Don’t worry, I’ll don’t mind the wait.
Ready to look at the answers? Good. First things first. Answer C, "Nothing, because it doesn't compile" is not correct. I included it just so I can tell you that I don’t like that kind of answer on a puzzle, or Java certification exam for that matter. Any IDE worth using will tell you if the code will compile or not. While it may have been a useful skill years a go, when our only tools were stone knives and bearskins, we’ve had better tools for so long now that it seems unreasonable to ask a question where “it won’t compile” is the right answer. OK, back to the puzzle.
What about answer B? Well, if you’ve attended one of Josh Bloch’s Java Puzzlers talks (or read my earlier Mini Puzzler), you know the whole point of this is to show you code that looks simple but behaves strangely. So you probably didn’t pick answer B - even though it looks like that’s exactly what should happen. And you would be right in doing so. The code doesn’t print “My name is Bond, James Bond.”
What about the ever popular “None of the above.” Sorry, not this time. Answer D is not correct either.
By the process of elimination, the correct answer must be A. It prints “My name is Sue.” and, as it turns out, that is just what does happen. Don't trust me on this, run it yourself - then come back for the explanation.
When I ran the original test code, I didn’t believe the results. It didn’t make any sense so I ran it in the debugger. If you do the same, you can see that the initName() method does get called before the main() method, and that when initName() finishes, the value of “name” is “Bond, James Bond” - just as we expected.
So what’s going on? How does “name” get set to “Sue”? Well, to mis-quote the spirit of Obi-Wan, “Use the source, Luke.”
In looking at the source, you can see that right after the static initializer, we’re declaring and initializing the “name” variable. Which seems odd because the initName() method already set “name” to a value - so it must already exist, right?
Sort of. The compiler sets aside space for the variable and includes code to initialize it but, because “name” is a static variable, its initialization happens when the class is loaded into memory instead of when the class constructor is called. It also appears that, like a static initializer, static variable initialization also happens “in the order in which it appears in the source code.” So after the static initializer is called, the code that initializes “name” to “Sue” executes and overwrites the value we expected to see. Believe it, or not.
So, how do we fix it? Simple. Swap the two lines so the variable is declared and initialized before the static initializer block gets called. Actually, there’s an even better solution for this kind of situation. Since the static initializer is only determining the value for one variable, have the line that declares the variable call a private static method that returns the variable’s initial value. Doing so would’ve prevented this problem in the first place, and ensures that nobody can accidently re-order the lines and start wondering why they’re seeing a line from a Johnny Cash song instead of something Sean Connery ought to be saying.
If you’ve got any feedback on this please post a comment.
Thanks for reading,
Sunday, March 15, 2009
DevNexus 2009 review
DevNexus is the new name for the Atlanta Java DevCon conference, which is organized and hosted by volunteers from the Atlanta Java User Group (AJUG). The conference was recently re-branded as DevNexus because it's not limited to Java anymore. Don't get me wrong, Java is still a major focus, but there are other languages (some of which run on the JVM) and technologies that AJUG members use and we wanted to include those too.
DevNexus has expanded to two days this year and may be even bigger next year. Not only that, but it went from two tracks to three, so there were even more tempting talks to choose from.
Speakers ranged from Neal Ford (Meme-Wrangler at ThoughtWorks, well known NFJS speaker, and author of The Productive Programmer) to Emmanuel Bernard (lead developer at JBoss, and spec lead for JSR 303: Bean Validation), to Peter Higgins (project lead for the Dojo toolkit) and Doris Chen and Justin Bolter (Technology Evangelists from Sun); and the topics were just as varied.
After some introductory remarks from Burr Sutter (Java Champion and AJUG top-dog), Neal Ford got the ball rolling Tuesday with his keynote "On the lam from the Furniture Police," which was an excellent look at how to be productive in a corporate environment that seems designed to prevent it. Neal's excellent keynote was followed by four hours of technical break out session on topics like Test Driven Design (not Development), browser optimization (aka getting around browser restrictions), grid computing, and how to create and use RESTful web-services with Java. The official day ended with Emmanuel Bernard's keynote on "Scaling Hibernate" which also gave us a look at some of the new features Hibernate supports, like sharding and full text search capability. After that, there was a "cocktail reception" for people who preferred a friendly chat (sometimes called networking) with other developers and architects over sitting in rush-hour traffic.
Wednesday got off to an interesting start. Doris Chen and Justin Bolter gave their keynote speech titled "JavaFX: The Platform for Rich Internet Applications" which, not surprisingly, promoted JavaFX as the best solution for Java developers who want to build RIAs. This was followed by Yakov Fain's keynote, "Picking the right technology for Rich Internet Applications" which compared Adobe's Flex, Microsoft's Silverlight, and JavaFX. During the speech he stated his belief that JavaFX might be a contender in 2010, but not today. I found this a little disconcerting, having just heard about what JavaFX can do. While I'm not sure I agree with him, I do think Yakov made some good points, though things may change with the release of JavaFX 2.0 slated for later this year. In case you're interested, his recommendation for developers that need to start an RIA project today was to use Flex.
After the clash of the RIA titans, there were three hours of breakouts mostly geared toward RIA or web development; topics included JavaFX, Java and Flex, developing modular Web applications using Spring 3.0, and GWT. There were also some server-side topics like a JEE 6 preview, a look at Spring 3.0, JSecurity also known as Apache's project 'Ki', anda look at JVM-based dynamic languages in the enterprise.
The conference ended with a rap-session hosted by Burr Sutter, AJUG's main leader and Java Champion, asking for ways to improve the conference next year and how we can get the word out about it so more people will attend. There were several good suggestions, and you've just read part of my solution to the question.
DevNexus was a great conference and well worth the cost (just $185 for the whole thing) so start planning to attend next year; you'll be happy you did. BTW, the price is set so that the costs of the conference are just about covered; this is not a 'for profit' venture, it's part of the way that AJUG works to build the Atlanta Java community. If you want to get involved, start attending the monthly meetings (they're free) and see what you've been missing out on.
If you were there, or wished you were, and have something you'd like to share then please leave a comment.
Thanks for your attention,
Monday, March 2, 2009
97 Things Every Software Architect Should Know hits #1 at Amazon

Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Burk In Books: 97 Things Every Software Architect Should Know

Windows XP running slower than usual
This morning I was running a build that normally takes about seven minutes, but when I checked on it - expecting to see everything had compiled properly - I found it had hardly begun. What the...? So I pulled up the Windows Task Manager, I saw that instead of using 20 to 50% of the CPU, the java.exe (we use ant so it shows up as java.exe and not javac.exe) process was putting along at single digits with an occasional sprint up to 16%.
Looking at the list of running Processes, I noticed a few I didn't recognize. Since this is a company box, I wasn't too surprised but I figured I'd do a little research on what was out there. As it turns out, I hit a homer with the first thing I looked up - a little beastie named cidaemon.exe.
Turns out it's used by an Indexing service from our friends at Microsoft and it had somehow gotten turned on. When I Googled the name I found this page on Microsoft's Help and Support site which told me how to turn it off. I followed the instructions and suddenly java.exe was back to it's normal (relatively) speedy self.
If you're seeing a similar problem on your XP box, bring up the Task Manager, click on the Processes tab and look for something called "cidaemon.exe" under the Image Name column. Note: If the items aren't in alphabetical order you can click on the Image Names label and they will be.
If cidaemon.exe is out there don't just click the End Process button to kill it, or the next time you reboot it will be back. Instead follow these instructions from Microsoft and you'll be set.
That's all for now, I've got some code to write.
Friday, February 13, 2009
I'm speaking at ITARC 2009!

Thursday, February 12, 2009
Mini Java Puzzler
I was working on a project and needed to get a Long value from a String. I know the Long class (like the other wrapper classes for primitives) has static methods that do just the thing , so I started typing in my IDE and trusted that I’d find one that worked. As it turns out there are several methods that do similar conversions. Here’s a list of the candidates:
Long.decode(String nm)
Long.getLong(String nm)
Long.parseLong(String nm)
Long.valueOf(String nm)
So, given that each of these takes a String and returns a Long, what does the following code return? (Notice that the getLongValue() method returns a primitive long:
public long getLongValue() {
Long value = Long.getLong("23");
return value.longValue();
Here’s the list of possible answers:
A) 23L
B) 0L (zero)
C) It depends.
Before you continue reading, what do you think the right answer is… OK, that’s enough thinking. Let’s take a look at the possible answers and see what seems likely.
Now it seems reasonable that Long’s getLong() method should return the value of the String as a Long, so answer ‘A’ looks pretty good. Then again, if it were that easy why would I bother posting this. Answer ‘B’ doesn’t seem very reasonable - unless getLong() isn’t really converting the value of the String. So that leaves answer ‘C’ as the primary suspect. If you’re familiar with Josh Bloch’s Java Puzzler talks from JavaOne, you’ll probably go with ‘C’ because it is kind of vague and that makes it a safe bet.
And you’d be right. The correct answer is ‘C’.
It turns out that Long.getLong() doesn’t try to convert the value of the passed in String directly. It looks for a System property with that name, retrieves the value associated with it, and converts that. So what the getLongValue() method returns depends on the value of the System property “23″. So, what if there is no System property “23″? In that case, the method throws a null pointer exception because Long.getLong() will return a null. Ouch!
I found this the hard way. I needed to convert a String and picked a likely method from the list provided by my IDE. I was greatly surprised when my unit test failed, so I looked up the JavaDoc on it and realized my mistake.
There are a few morals to this story:
Unit tests are your friends.
Use the JavaDoc, and make sure you write some
for people using your code.
Hurrying can cause unexpected delays; but those
can become fodder for a blog post.
Until next time, I leave you with the traditional Java Puzzler farewell,
“Don’t code like my brother.”
Sunday, January 18, 2009
Burk on Books: Inside Steve's Brain
Published by Portfolio (the Penguin Group) in April 2008
ISBN: 591841984
“Inside Steve’s Brain” by Leander Kahney is a nice little read (7.2 x 5.4 inches and under 300 pages) that is both entertaining and educational. The Steve in the title is, of course, Steve Jobs and the book provides a look into how he thinks about things like leadership, user experience, product design, and teamwork.
The introduction describes parts of Jobs’ career and private life. The next six chapters focus on his personality traits and how they impact the way he (and Apple) works. The last two chapters describe how it all comes together and enables Apple to do things other companies seem to find difficult to emulate.
Each chapter ends with a list of “Lessons from Steve” and while we may not have the ability to follow all of them ( “Partner only with A-players and fire bozos” – who wouldn’t love to do this!) they are still worth remembering. The book includes a case study of how it all came together with the iPod, and ends with a look at why Jobs (and by extension, Apple) keeps producing closed systems (think iPod, or Mac) while the rest of the industry produces open systems that allow the user to plug in third party hardware. While this is controversial, it does make sense from a certain point of view; doing so allows Apple a tighter integration between the hardware and software, which means a more pleasant user experience with both.
The book is interesting and thought-provoking. Whether or not you are a fan of Steve Jobs and Apple, you must admire the loyalty of their customers base; they must be doing something right. Any of us should be thrilled if our customers felt the same about us. So maybe it’s worth spending a little time exploring the territory “Inside Steve’s Brain.”
P.S. You an go to a page on the book's website ( and see a three minute video of the author talking about the book. Or better yet, download the Introduction and see if it appeals to you before you buy the book.